A home from home at the end of life

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Donor information

Donation Information


About us

La Maison de Tara was founded in Geneva in 2007 as a public utility charity in the lineage of the Hospice Movement. Its goal is to provide patients and their family, with care and support during the last days of life.

Regular Donation

If you want to help "La Maison de Tara" with a regular donation, please go to that page

Online/offline Donation

If you want to help "La Maison de Tara" with
a online donation, please go to that page
a offline donation, please go to that page

Pictures from the House

Discover pictures from la Maison de Tara

La Maison de Tara en images


© Fondation La Maison de Tara,

La Maison de Tara
79, chemin de la Montagne
1224 Chêne-Bougeries

Tél : +41 (0)22 3488666
Fax : +41 (0)22 3488664